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HTML Indexer™ Customer Comments
We like to hear how you use HTML Indexer in your own projects.
Please send your comments to us at feedback@html-indexer.com.
From Joyce Fetterman of GT Software:
I like your product and wouldn't want to index my 750+ page "site" without it!
From Beryl Doane, Technical Writer Specialist at FileNET Corporation:
I justed wanted to send you a quick note on our department's evaluation of HTML Indexer. We are still in the process of determining final tools for the project, so this is just an interim report.
In comparing HTML Indexer to Deva's Index tool, HTML Indexer is much more powerful, easier to learn, and easier to use.
Strong points:
Tutorial to learn tool
Ability to produce mutliple-column index
Index includes simple, easy navigation
Choice of out-of-box included index styles
Ability to quickly pick up default enteries from headings and titles
Ease of hand coding files to work with tool
Deva, on the other hand:
Has no tutorial
Produces only a single-column index
Includes links to top of page, but no links at top of page to A–Z
Stores added index entries in XML file, not in the source file (hey, that's another file I have to track and update)
Picks up keywords or tagging, but does not add keywords to the source file for you
Works only inside Dreamweaver
Requires several steps and manual intervention to generate the final HTML page
Many writers in our department are using Dreamweaver, so there is bias in favor using the Deva extension. My personal call is to use the more versatile tool, but the department decision will take many factors into consideration.
Thank you for creating this excellent tool.
Version 4 includes fully integrated cross-references, the ability to specify target frames and windows, multiple undo levels, the ability to accept multiple default entries simultaneously, and more.
Deva Tools™ for Dreamweaver is a product of Deva Associates, LLC.
Dreamweaver is a product of Macromedia, Inc.
From Dr. Mike Unwalla, principal writer at TechScribe:
The tool is simple to use. Because the generated code for the index is clean, it was easy to automatically create the additional features (such as the icons to indicate PDF files).
See the techscribe.com index on our customer examples page.
From indexer and information architect Heather Hedden, coordinator of the Web Indexing special interest group of the American Society of Indexers:
I find HTML Indexer easy to use and able to produce the desired results. I wouldn't create an A–Z index for a web site any other way. It makes indexing web sites fun, and I hope to be able to put it to a lot of work.
From Australian indexer Caroline Colton:
The program is working very well and saving me a lot of time.
From web site designer Margaret Pearcy:
HTML Indexer is a delight to use, and the tutorial is the best I have encountered.
From potential customer Brian Curtis:
I'm trying out the demo version, and so far I love this tool!
It really makes it easy to develop and customize an index for a large site.
From Annette Wegscheider, senior help developer at Siebel Systems:
HTML Indexer is a great indexing tool. It is easy to learn and the documentation is clear.
I am using HTML Indexer to develop an index for a help system that is completely HTML-based, and it has saved me a lot of time.
Great product and great support!
From Susan Bott of the Group Health Cooperative:
I've been using HTML Indexer for one whole day, and have fallen in love with it!
From Joe Solomon of Capital One:
I use HTML Indexer to create the map files and index for a thousand-plus - file JavaHelp project, and would not be able to manage it without HTML Indexer.
It's a great tool!
From Terrell Holliday, Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Davis:
Thank you for all the consideration and help you gave me while [I was] developing an index for our site (www.neurovet.org). I am pleased with the present results of the effort and will continue to improve it in the future.
I find HTML Indexer to be one of the best programs I have ever used. It does just exactly what you expect, with no [confusion or] glitches.
See the neurovet.org index on our customer examples page.
From Patti Anastasia, information architect at Kana Communications:
I'm using HTML Indexer to convert an HHK file to an HTML index. I wanted to let you know that I'm quite pleased with HTML Indexer.
It is easy to create index entries, and my index looks great.
From tech writer Asa Bradley of Vanteon:
I have used HTML Indexer with very good results. It is easy to use and very quick.
I use HTML Indexer every time I develop online HTML-based help systems, web sites, and intranet sites.
From Elizabeth Uppman of Tidestone Technologies:
Your documentation is exquisite.
It's about the best software documentation I've seen, including mine.
That sounds like hyperbole, but it's sure nice to hear!
From research librarian and indexer Bob Huerster:
Thanks a lot. This is very good software.
From senior technical writer Ron DuBois of PredictPoint:
This is a terrific tool.
I've used HTML Indexer to create a back-of-the-book index for the web application I'm documenting, and it is an incredible time-saver.
From consultant David John:
I've spent a few very productive weeks with HTML Indexer, and my work is now nearly all done.
I like its speed, convenience, and reliability.
From Darci Balius of Sakson & Taylor:
I've had the opportunity to download the demo of your product and work through the tutorial.
I am quite impressed with your work, and I am dancing with glee as I calculate the number of hours I will save by using your product!
From Australian indexer Glenda Browne of The Webbery:
I have finally had the opportunity to take a closer look at HTML Indexer, and am delighted with what I find.
This program does for web indexing what Macrex, Cindex, and SkyIndex do for print indexing.
It also has a terrific tutorial—well-presented, well-graded, and easy to follow.
From Connie Betts, IS Communications Manager at MedScape/MedicaLogic:
I was pleasantly surprised at your company's quick and thorough response when I thought there were problems with HTML Indexer. You kept working with me until we discovered that the problem was with our web server—not with the software at all.
On another occasion, when I thought I wouldn't be able to complete an unusual task, you provided a solution.
It is rare to receive this level of service from a software company.
From Catherine Rhodes, Reference/Instruction Librarian at the UT Health Science Center (San Antonio, Texas):
This is truly a wonderful product, and seems well on the way to establishing the standard for web indexing.
I've enjoyed using it.
From tech writer Bruce Hartford in Santa Cruz, California:
I have been working with your great application all day, and it is even more intuitive than I thought.
I have been a slave to RoboHelp's indexing for too long!
Long live HTML Indexer!
From Brian Sullivan, documentation consultant at Telecom New Zealand:
I have downloaded your product and want to register.
May I say that I think it is an amazing tool and will save me lots of time and make my web documents so much more useable.
From indexer Kevin Broccoli of Broccoli Information Management:
Thanks so much! What a great help you have been.
I can't say enough about the level of support you provide for your customers.
From Julia Masarik, senior tech writer and web developer at ADP Dealer Services (Portland, Oregon), after working with a pre-release version of HTML Indexer:
Thank you for letting me test and use this terrific product!
I am so pleased with it that I have told others in ADP...
"What FrontPage is to HTML editors, HTML Indexer is to creating indexes!"
HTML Indexer is easy to learn. Once the [default] entries have been made by the tool, they are a cinch to edit.
This is a terrific tool, and I wish you much success with it. I finished my project, made my boss happy, and provided my audience with a tool that works better than a search engine. I am one happy camper!